Cardiac Rehabilitation

Conway Regional Cardiac Rehabilitation provides a medically supervised environment for exercise and education to help patients who have experienced a cardiac event recover and improve their overall quality of life. Available through an order by your physician, Cardiac Rehabilitation is designed to help improve the patient's quality of life once heart disease has been diagnosed. 

Patient Qualifications

Patients who have or have had:

  • Coronary artery bypass graft
  • Heart attack
  • Angioplasty and/or stent placement
  • Heart valve repair or replacement
  • Heart or heart-lung transplant
  • Stable angina
  • Heart failure
  • Other approved heart-related conditions

The program has three phases:

Cardiac rehabilitation begins in the hospital after a procedure. Patients are educated on their heart's function, heart disease, and the role of diet and exercise in their recovery. They also begin limited physical activity.

This phase will begin after discharge from the hospital, approximately two to six weeks after a cardiac event. This medically supervised rehabilitation offers an exercise regime with regular reporting to the physician. Patients attend exercise sessions three times per week. Classes and educational materials are also provided.

Medicare will approve 36 visits of outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation that must be used in the first 12 to 18 weeks of Phase II. Medicare pays 80 percent of Phase II and Medipak pays the remaining 20 percent for the listed diagnosis and conditions when a patient has a physician's referral. Many private insurance companies will also pay for cardiac rehab.

This is a self-pay program offered at the Conway Regional Health & Fitness Center. Phase III assists individuals in building their strength and endurance on a more independent basis in addition to learning how to manage their overall heart health.

Benefits include:

  • Improved cardiovascular and muscular endurance in a supportive environment
  • Customized approach to fitness offered in a more private setting with one-on-one training
  • A workout location designed to increase independence
  • Rehab is conducted by certified personal trainers who are NSCA Certified strength and conditioning specialists

Request an appointment.

Call 501-506-2747 or click the button.