Financial FAQs
Why do I receive more than one bill for my hospital stay?
Some services require a doctor to review the results of the services provided to you. A radiologist will review radiology images, a cardiologist may interpret an EKG, or a pathologist may study a lab specimen. Conway Regional Health System also contracts with other physicians, like anesthesiologists and emergency room physicians, to provide services to our patients.
Can I make payments or do I have to pay all at once?
Some procedures may require a down payment prior to treatment. Payment plans and financial assistance may also be available. For more information go to Insurance and Costs or contact the Patient Financial Services department.
Why did I receive a notice from a collection agency?
Conway Regional sends a series of statements to our patients explaining the status of their accounts and balances due. If you do not respond or make satisfactory payment arrangements, the accounts may be referred to a third-party collection agency. Please contact the Patient Financial Services department if you feel an error has been made.
Why am I getting a bill from Conway Regional when I haven’t been there?
Conway Regional performs lab tests for our local physicians. The blood drawn at your physician’s office may be sent to Conway Regional to be analyzed.
I was a patient at Conway Regional NeuroScience Center or Conway Regional Cardiovascular Clinic. Why did I receive a bill from Conway Regional Medical Center?
Medicare has special provisions for Provider Based Clinic. Click here for more information.
Why wasn’t my insurance billed?
Conway Regional files insurance claims as a courtesy to our patients. If the proper information is not communicated during registration or to our Patient Financial Service department, billing errors may occur. It is essential that patients bring their insurance cards with them each time they receive services at Conway Regional.
Why didn’t my insurance pay?
Insurance companies deny payment for a variety of reasons. You should receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance provider explaining the denial. Or they may have made a partial payment and applied some of their payment to your deductible, copay or coinsurance. Our staff can help with these questions.
What is a deductible, co-payment, or coinsurance:
A deductible is a sum of money you are required to pay before the insurance company will provide the benefits outlined in your policy. Deductibles are applied yearly. Co-payments are specific amounts you may be required to pay for each visit to a doctor or hospital. Coinsurance is your share of the amount due by insurance. It is usually figured as a percentage of the amount the insurance company will pay for services.
I have Medicaid. Why are you billing me for my emergency room visit?
Medicaid requires its recipients to have primary care physicians (PCP) and encourages the members to visit their PCP for non-emergent medical conditions. Medicaid requires a referral from the PCP for non-emergent care in the emergency room, and sometimes the PCP will refuse a referral. Please consult your Medicaid benefits manual for more information.
Can I find out how much my procedure will be before treatment?
In compliance with Medicare and federal guidelines, Conway Regional offers an online price estimation tool that can be used to verify your insurance benefits and, based on your benefits, provide you with an estimate of your expected cost for most common procedures. Click here to go to Get My Estimate Cost. For assistance or questions with your estimate, please call 501-450-2127.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes. Click on the Pay Your Bill link at the top of the web page. If you know your Account Number, you can pay without enrolling by entering that number and following the prompts. A FAQ link is at the top of each page for more information. You can also register to receive Paperless Statements on this page.
What types of payment can I use if I pay online?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards.
Why don’t you provide an itemized list of charges with your bill?
We do not routinely send itemized bills to every patient in an effort to minimize expenses. We will be happy to provide you with an itemized bill upon request after you provide proper identification.
Can I contact the Business Office (Patient Financial Services) by email?
You can email [email protected]. Our email is secure, but your email may not be, so please limit any personal information you share by email.
Request an appointment.
Call 501-506-2747 or click the button.