Employees Resources

Click the button below to login to the Conway Regional intranet.

Login to the intranet


Employees can access employee webmail to stay up-to-date with the latest information from Conway Regional. If you have trouble logging in, contact the IS Helpdesk at 501-513-5875.

Login to Webmail


Employees are now able to access employee education online. Click the button below to login.

Login to SymplrLearning



Employment Verification

Conway Regional utilizes the services of The Work Number to provide automated income and employment verification for all employees. If you are an employee of Conway Regional and need income or employment verification, you may call The Work Number Client Service Center at 1-800-996-7566.

Click Here to view relevant in-network and allowed amount machine readable files.

Request an appointment.

Call 501-506-2747 or click the button.