Patient Instructions for Imaging / Radiology

Choose the procedure below to see a specific set of instructions. Check with your physician to confirm your examination location.


Do not eat, drink (even water), or chew gum after midnight.
Do not eat, drink (even water), or chew gum after midnight. The procedure can take from 1 to 8 hours.
Only drink clear liquids* starting at noon the day before the test. Drink 2 ounces of castor oil at 3:00 PM the afternoon before your appointment. Do not have anything to eat or drink (even water) after midnight. The procedure takes about an hour to perform.

Do not eat or drink within six hours of the exam.

You will need to dress appropriately for your particular scan:

  • Body Scan - Wear clothing that does not have any metal on it, such as belts, zippers, snaps, or hooks. This allows us to scan you without you having to put on a gown for the exam. Also remove any necklaces or other jewelry worn in the area that you are being scanned for.
  • Head/Neck Scan - Do not wear any jewelry in the head and neck area. This includes earrings, necklaces, and any other facial piercings.
  • Extremities Scan - Do not wear jewelry on the area being scanned.

For more instructions and information, select the specific CT test you will be having below:

Do not have anything eat or drink (even water) after midnight. You will need to be in the hospital for five to six hours after the procedure.
Only drink clear liquids* starting at noon the day before the test. Do not have anything to eat or drink (even water) after midnight. The test can take up to four hours.

No advance preparation is needed for this test, but tell your doctor if you are taking blood pressure or blood thinning medications.

Do not eat or drink (even water or chewing gum) after midnight.
Drink 32 ounces of fluid one hour prior to the examination to fill your bladder. Do not urinate.
Do not eat or drink any foods containing caffeine - coffee, colas, tea, chocolate, etc. - for 24 to 48 hours before the test. Do not take any over the counter pain relievers.
No advance preparation is required.

This is a two-part test. During your first visit you will be given medicine by mouth. You will then be scheduled to have an X-ray five days later. Do not take laxatives, enemas, suppositories, or similar products until after your X-ray.

No advance preparation is needed. You may not be able to have a MRI if you have a pacemaker, ear implants, a neurostimulator, metal clips in your eyes, an implanted port device, metal plates, pins, screws, or surgical staples. It is usually not a problem if you have retained bullets, tooth fillings, or braces.


Please Note: Clear liquids are defined as liquids that you can see through or fluids that are liquid at body temperature. Some examples are water, broth, Jell-O, black coffee, tea, and juices such as apple, grape, cranberry, or lemonade. Milk and orange juice are not considered clear liquids.


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Call 501-506-2747 or click the button.